Eco Swinger Pavement Sign for Jack's Barber Shop in Buxton

Eco Swinger Pavement Sign for Jack's Barber Shop in Buxton

Jack's Barber Shop in Buxton, were sick and tired of their old A-board flying away, in only the slightest breeze! They were in need of a new, sturdier pavement sign and Viro were here to help...

The sign was going to be located on a pavement so Jack's didn't want anything too big, the Eco Swinger seemed to be a good option with it's 430 x 625mm graphic panel. Also, Jack's wanted a permanent graphic so the vinyl panel was perfect. The vinyl panel was digitally printed and laminated for extra durability, this sign will be swinging around for a while!!

At Viro we have a huge range of pavement signs with options to suit every purpose and budget. If you're looking to upgrade your signage please get in touch!